Getting to know God together!
The Teen Group at Cardinal Drive is a very active group of about 15 teens from 7th-12th grade. We have a very diverse group of teens who love sports, dance, art, poetry, music, reading, drama, and just hanging out. Our teens are from all over the Chicagoland area, stretching from Mount Prospect to Crystal Lake. They come from up to 45 minutes away to be a part of the great things happening in our Youth Group! We provide classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday night for our teens as well as a small group that we call "Nite Lite" that happens on Sunday night in the homes of people in our church. During the year we do lots of great things, and all of them work to fulfill our mission of helping teens to know Jesus and develop a maturing faith that will last a lifetime.

Weekly Gathering Times
Sunday 9 am-10 am
Sunday mornings is a time for us to gather together and study God's word. We dig deep, ask questions, and look at how the word of God applies to our everyday lives. We usually take a book of the Bible and walk through it together.
Sunday 5 pm -7 pm
Sunday nights in the Youth Group is Nite Lite! We go to the home of a different family each week and spend time hanging out, eating dinner together and taking time to worship. It is a time to recharge so that we can go out in the world and be a "night light"!
Wednesday 7 pm - 8 pm
On Wednesday's we usually have topical studies that apply to teens lives. We do this in all sorts of creative ways using music, video, and discussion. It doesn't hurt that usually we have warm cookies! Also when it is warm out we usually do our studies around a bonfire on the front lawn!

Youth & Family Minister
Rob Carris
Rob Carris has been working with Cardinal Dr. Church of Christ since July of 2002 as the Youth & Family Minister. He and his wife Molly serve the teens & families from 7th grade-12th grade. Rob has a B.A. in Youth & Family Ministry and graduated as top graduate in his field for 2001. Rob has a love and passion for working with teenagers. He says that he loves the openness and willingness of teens to be changed by God and be convicted by his Word. Rob is a bit of a kid himself, too!
When he's not doing Youth Ministry stuff, Rob loves doing graphic design, working on his cars, going to concerts, complaining about the Chicago Bears, and doing just about anything with his family!
Rob and his wife, Molly, are both natives of suburban Detroit and have three children of their own.
When he's not doing Youth Ministry stuff, Rob loves doing graphic design, working on his cars, going to concerts, complaining about the Chicago Bears, and doing just about anything with his family!
Rob and his wife, Molly, are both natives of suburban Detroit and have three children of their own.